"When I was eight years old, my parents did something unspeakable to me - piano lessons! I guess they dreamed that someday I'd be a great lawyer.”
Well, surprise surprise, Seth decided to become a musician! His role model was the great Ludwig van Beethoven. He listened to his music all the time- every day was Beethoven Day. At the same time, Seth fell in love with The Sound of Musicals. And in the Jewish junior high school he attended, he discovered how wonderful Hebrew classics like The Eucalyptus Grove are!
And thus, the battle of the genres began. It was joined by such fighters as Pirates of Penzance, The Lion King and Billy Joel. It continued through his college years at Yeshiva University, where he hosted a classical radio show that no one listened to (he can prove it), and where his cantorial Kismet came to fruition.
Seth continues to love, create and share The Music of the Night in all its glorious styles, forms and wonder. Dr. Beethoven and Mr. Broadway is an ongoing personal journey of love, joy, laughter and song.